
Friday, June 19, 2009

North Korea could launch a missile at Hawaii on the 4th of July. Let's hope, like so many of their past missile launches, that it is a miserable failure.

Amir Taheri says there could be a showdown at prayer call today in Iran, as the Supreme Leader plans to lead Friday prayers, after declaring that Ahmadinejad won a 'definitive victory'.

A lot of people, myself included, believe President Obama is missing an opportunity to try to give support to the people of Iran in their efforts to shake off tyranny.

Benny Avni sees the opportunity facing the President.

David Ignatius says the protests are a real chance for change in Iran.

Charles Krauthammer sees the protests as a chance for regime change, which would alter the course of history.

The cold water of realistic cost projections is slapping members of Congress in the face as they try to write a health insurance reform bill. In the end, they'll agree to a set of lies in order to tell us that they have done something, leaving a bigger mess for future members to face.

When the weather gets warmer, more people are murdered in New York City. I wish I could get paid to come up with studies like that one. It seems like common sense to me.

Roger Simon gives us another reason to hope The New York Times goes out of business.


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