
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Derrick Jackson believes Afghanistan may become Obama's 'quagmire'. Seven Americans were killed in the fighting there yesterday, the deadliest day in almost a year. With troop levels rising, we are now moving into a new phase in Afghanistan. Politically, the war is now 'Obama's War'. If the increase in troop levels and the new commanders with new tactics succeed, then Obama will get the credit. If they fail, Obama will get the blame. Still, casualty levels will have to go a great deal higher before the American public really takes notice. Even then, as I have often argued in the past, without a draft, the public may not care much, anyway.

Robert S. McNamara, one of the prime architect's of the Vietnam 'quagmire', is dead. He deserves his share of the blame, but the buck, in my opinion, stops with Lyndon Johnson, who knew the war was a bad idea, but did it anyway.

Ralph Peters believes President Obama was taken to the cleaners by the Russians. I agree. Will the American people realize they elected another Jimmy Carter by the time we get to 2012? I hope so.


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