
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Australian lawmakers may reject their version of a "Cap and Trade" energy bill because more Australians are becoming convinced that the theory of human caused global warming is baloney. If they do reject it, that might have some impact on the efforts of our own lawmakers in Washington.

As I predicted, New Hampshire lawmakers passed a budget that cuts a little here and a little there, and raises taxes a little here and a little there. Same as it ever was.

In Chatham, Massachusetts, owners of beachfront property watch as the sea takes their land and their buildings away.

Remember the story some years back about the doctor at the research station in Antarctica who discovered her own breast cancer and had to be airlifted out in a daring rescue? It was a big story at the time. Well, Dr. Jerri Nielsen was saved at the time, but her cancer recently came back, and this time she lost the battle.


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