
Thursday, July 09, 2009

Ralph Peters explains why it has been so difficult to build effective security forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reason all this talk about capping emissions to slow the rate of "Global Warming" is really just so much hot air (pardon the pun) is because nations that are industrializing and, thus, pulling their people out of poverty, will not be willing to slow down the process. Our only hope is that the "Global Warming Theory" is wrong because, in the end, the governments of the world will not do anything about it.

Cyberattacks jam some websites here and in South Korea. Our government officials are unwilling to state the obvious, which is that the attacks originated from North Korea. My guess is that these attacks were a test in preparation for more robust action.

John Fund explains the real reason why Sarah Palin quit, which is that she was being inundated and crippled by "Freedom of Information Act" requests and ethics complaints from her political opponents, as well as being personally assailed by the media. She was no longer capable of being an effective governor.

Mark Penn says that if we cross the 10% mark for unemployment it will mark the crossing of a political tripwire. I agree. We are already seeing erosion in the President's popularity numbers, and increasing concern from voters about the rising debt and deficits, as well as growing government control of various sectors of the economy. Could 2010 be a good year for the GOP? Quite possible.


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