
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sen. Ted Kennedy sends a letter to Massachusetts leaders calling for a change in the the state's senatorial succession law. He wants the law to allow the Governor to appoint an interim Senator to fill the seat before a special election. I will be shocked if they do not comply with his request.

Huge car bombs kill and maim in downtown Baghdad, exposing the weakness of the Iraqi security forces, and the continued strength and determination of the terrorists who wish to bring down the current government. As for the identity of the terrorists, there are a number of likely suspects. Sunni extremists who enjoyed their dominance of the country under Saddam and want it back, Iranian agents who wish to destabilize the country and force the Americans to either ramp up their commitment, or retreat in defeat and disgrace, or Al Qaeda types who also hope for all out civil war in Iraq, or the fall of the government, or American retreat, or all of the above. Unfortunately, I am not optimistic about how things will turn out.

The Obama Administration is having some success in getting commitments from other countries to take those Guantanamo detainees who have been cleared for release, but not so much when it comes to determining what to do with the others. Here is a call for an international tribunal to adjudicate their cases.

Hurricane Bill takes aim at the Canadian Maritimes, but is still far enough away to cause concern for those of us on the East Coast, as the margin of error on a hurricane storm track is rather large.

A doctor tells us some unpleasant truths about our health care system, while David Ignatius wants us to listen to another doctor when we look to reform the system.


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