
Friday, October 16, 2009

Charles Krauthammer takes a look at the foreign policy performance of President Obama and his people, and finds them wanting.

Islamic militant groups, some of them created and/or strengthened by the government of Pakistan, now pose a threat to that government. "Ye shall reap what ye hath sown".

If, as a taxpayer or a shareholder, I am expected to pay for your health care, then it stands to reason that I should be able to demand that you get in better shape. Thus, this story does not surprise me. If you want to be free to live life the way you want to, drink, smoke, eat fatty foods, or go to the gym every day, whatever, then you should be obligated to bear the responsibility for that life. This is what I believe, because I want that freedom. When you are obligated to pay for my health care, or I for yours, then we lose that freedom.

Stanley Goldfarb has this analysis of the impact of a public option on health care costs. Guess what? They won't go down.


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