
Friday, January 15, 2010

This is not unexpected...anarchy in Haiti. The country was already living on the edge, with a long history of political instability. With the government, the UN mission, and the police force as devastated as the rest of the city, it seems likely there will be increasing violence as the days wear on, unless U.S. and/or other forces step in to the power vacuum.

David Brooks writes about the underlying tragedy in Haiti, and it is not just a geologic fault.

America could be facing another financial meltdown. Pat Buchanan thinks a collapse may be inevitable.

A new poll puts Scott Brown in the lead in Massachusetts. If he wins it will be one of the most stunning upsets in American political history, and it will strike fear into the hearts of Democratic leaders all across the country. The new polling information has caused Stu Rothenberg to put the race into his toss-up category. Bill Kristol is happy about the new poll, and he hopes it is accurate.

Brian McGrory describes one reason why Brown is doing so well, which is that Coakley is campaigning so poorly.

The New York Times describes the Tea Party people as a bunch of fanatics now trying to infiltrate the GOP in order to take it over. Maybe they are just a bunch of 'mad as hell' conservatives who want the GOP to stand up for its own principles.

Ralph Peters praises the geeks at Google for taking on the bandits of Beijing.

Rich Lowry describes how another smelly deal is being made in an effort to pass the health reform monstrosity.

Paul Krugman blasts the bankers as clueless.

Remember Scott Ritter? He was the U.N. weapon's inspector who was among the few to loudly proclaim that he believed the Iraqi's were hiding a weapons program, only to mysteriously change his mind and become a leading critic of President Bush and the invasion of Iraq, thus becoming the darling of the left. A lot of us suspected something was up, and at the time some folks made accusations concerning Ritter's sexual proclivities. He was nabbed in a sex sting back in '01 and now, he turns up charged in Pennsylvania with, according to this New York Times article, "engaging in online sexual exchanges with a minor".


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