
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Another Democrat bites the dust, this time a New York Congressman who was accused of sexual harassment by a male aide. The district went for McCain in 2008, so it goes into the growing column of districts that might flip in November.

Irwin Stelzer says the recently released economic data contains good news and bad news. The good news? Some signs of economic growth. The bad news? No assurance that it is a real recovery, or that it is sustainable.

Matthew Continetti points out that a government fiscal disaster is looming. Unlike natural disasters, like the recent earthquakes, this is a disaster we can do something about, but we seem politically paralyzed, so far, concerning the issue.

Jay Cost is keeping a running tally of the House Democrats who might not support the health reform bill if it is pushed through the Senate via reconciliation.

Jeff Jacoby is critical of the President's efforts to further nationalize education standards.


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