
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For your edification...from The National Review, read Jonah Goldberg on the new health care reality (which is that health insurance companies are now heavily regulated public utilities), former Senator Jim Talent says, fiscally speaking, our representatives in Washington are still in the galley doing the dishes while the Titanic sinks, and Tony Blankley channels Winston Churchill when he writes about the appropriate political response to the health reform bill.

From The New York Post, Michael Goodwin says this health bill is all about the ego of Barack Obama. Goodwin also writes about how much money will be siphoned from New York City as a result of the bill.

From The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes gives us a little historical perspective about health cost projections.

Congressman Paul Ryan tells his constituents in Wisconsin about the consequences of the health reform bill which he opposed.

Even before this bill was enacted, the Obama Administration was set firmly on a course to expand the size of government, and to increase the rate at which money is siphoned out of the economy and spent at the will and the whim of the people in Washington. Here are the numbers, courtesy of The Heritage Foundation.

This year, according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis of the President's proposed budget, we will spend $1.556 TRILLION more than we take in on the Federal level.

Next year? $1.267 TRILLION. In 2012? $829 billion. In 2013? $727 billion. And so on. Over ten years this budget projects to add $9.086 TRILLION to the debt.

By 2020, if the current projections are accurate (and they are, in all likelihood, lowball numbers, unless the economy expands at an enormous rate over the next decade), the public debt of the United States of America will reach $15.4 TRILLION, or 98.1% of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

These figures, by the way, do not include the health reform bill. The President says his bill will lower these debt and deficit projections.

I do not believe him. Do you?


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