
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sarah Palin is on a book tour, making a lot of money, giving a lot of speeches, and all of that leads many to conclude that she will run for President. I'm not so sure. After all, she has not come to visit us here in New Hampshire since the last campaign, which is unusual for anyone thinking about making the run for the Oval Office. I also think she realizes that she can make a whole lot more money by staying out of the race, but can maintain a high level of popularity which will allow her to have a voice in the political discussion.

President Obama has decided to send an aircraft carrier battle group to Korea in response to the latest North Korean provocation.

Peter Brookes writes about the situation in Korea.

The GOP wins another House seat. There are now only two seats left outstanding, one in New York and the other in California.

Doctors continue to be unhappy with Medicare cuts, with good reason.


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