
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

At the moment, Republicans have gained 61 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, but there are still a number of contests that are being decided as votes are counted, which could give the Republicans a few more victories.

There are rumors flying around that incoming West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is being courted by the Republicans in an attempt to get him to switch parties. I doubt that it will happen, not because Manchin is not conservative enough to be a Republican, her certainly is, but because the Democrats have the majority, and I suspect he will want to work inside the majority, at least initially. If he feels unable to get things done, he might consider the possibility later on.

Is incoming Republican Senator Rand Paul already selling out on the issue of earmarks? I think he will soon understand that not all earmarks are bad, but the process of passing them needs reforming. Besides, if he really wants to address the deficit and debt, he needs to focus on entitlements.

David Brooks has one vision of where we are as a nation, Bob Herbert has another. The optimism that Brooks provides, as opposed to the pessimism of Herbert, is one good reason why conservatives have an advantage over liberals in winning elections.

Liberals in the Democratic Party are blaming the so-called "Blue Dog" Democrats for their defeat. They are wrong. This, of course, is another reason why Democrats will lose the next election.


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