
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Some dire predictions for China's economy in 2011, with significant implications for the United States.

On the other hand, investors are showing confidence in the U.S. economy at the moment.

State lawmakers, at least Republican ones, are looking to scale back the power of public employee unions. This is absolutely necessary if they are to get a handle on their budget problems, and helps politically in their effort to cripple the Democrats going into the next election cycle.

Some thoughts on the incandescent light bulb ban.

House Republicans look at some big budget cuts in discretionary programs. An admirable start, if they follow through, but it still does not get to the heart of the matter.

Republicans are also looking at issues to investigate now that they have the House majority.

Andrew McCarthy does not have much faith in the GOP in Congress.

Daniel Foster thinks the Republicans can get a lot in exchange for agreeing to raising the debt ceiling. Bill Kristol is critical of those Republicans who believe it is possible to simply reject raising the debt ceiling, as he thinks it is not possible to go 'cold turkey' on spending.

Rich Lowry wonders if the spending can be stopped.

Economist Joseph Stiglitz believes it is a mistake for governments in Europe and the U.S. to launch austerity programs. He believes they should spend more to stimulate the economy. He implies that the wealthiest among us should pay more.

Strapped for cash, some European governments are looking to get their hands on private pensions.

Eugene Robinson relishes the idea of a Republican assault on the Obama health plan. He believes the public favors the program, or at least most of its constituent parts. We shall see. He may be right. If he is, Republicans will go down in the polls, Obama will go up, and Obama and the Democrats will make a big comeback in 2012.


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