
Friday, January 20, 2012


There is now lots of evidence to bolster the view that Newt Gingrich is about to win in South Carolina.

One, the latest RCP average of polling data in South Carolina now puts Newt Gingrich in the lead, which is just another indication that undecideds are breaking toward the former Speaker.

Two, Newt was able to deflect the energy from his ex-wife's ABC interview by attacking the media at the start of the debate last night, and the applause from the audience was heartfelt.

Three, Mitt Romney gave a lackluster debate performance and the boos that greeted his "maybe" answer on releasing his tax return were just as heartfelt as Newt's cheers.

Four, Rick Perry getting out and endorsing Gingrich adds a few points to the Speaker's column.

Five, news that Santorum actually finished ahead of Romney in Iowa adds to the growing realization that Romney is not the inevitable nominee. That will cost him a few more votes he would have gotten otherwise.

It ain't over 'til it's over.


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