
Saturday, November 19, 2005


Though Democrats derided it as a political stunt, the GOP put a non-binding resolution on the floor calling for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. It was defeated 403-3.

Meanwhile, Gen. George Casey has a plan for withdrawal. While the reports I've heard so far don't go into specifics, I understand it involves a number of milestones that have to be met before individual units are withdrawn, so it could still leave a large number of troops in country. However, if the milestones ARE met, then a substantial number of soldiers could come home in 2006. It seems to me, based on my own experience in the Army at a brigade headquarters, that Gen. Casey didn't come up with this idea on his own. He was tasked to come up with the plan (although the media reports are indicating that he came up with it along with Gen. Abizaid). Could my earlier prediction that we would begin seeing significant troop reductions no later than Summer 2006 be coming true? It's the only thing that will save the GOP in November of 2006.


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