
Saturday, April 22, 2006

With the crackdown on employers who hire illegal immigrants only a few days old, there are already questions concerning the seriousness of the effort. The biggest reason for skepticism is the size of the force being sent out to enforce our laws. This, of course, is also true when looking at border security. The Bush Administration will not be taken seriously on this issue until they step up and ask Congress for a MAJOR expansion in the size of the Border Patrol and the enforcement arm of the INS (or whatever they are calling it now that it is part of Homeland Security).

Finally, the CIA fires someone for leaking classified information to the press. It is long past time for the Administration to go after those who would leak classified information in wartime. This failure to go after the leakers, along with the border security issue, is one of the main reasons why President Bush has lost so much of his support. People who voted for him in 2004 are finally getting fed up with his rhetoric of war without the actions of war, and are now joining those who already didn't approve of the job he is doing.

Charlie Cook has a breakdown of the numbers and concludes that Republicans should be very worried about the upcoming elections. The intensity of opposition to the President is on the rise, and could develop into a political tsunami that brings the Democrats to power in Congress.

Craig Shirley has a theory as to why the GOP seems to be falling apart.

Finally, I was wrong about how long it would take to agree on a new Prime Minister in Iraq. It seems that an aide to Jaafari is the consensus pick. This could pave the way for the formation of a new government, which can only help the situation on the ground in that troubled country.


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