
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The President is accusing the Iranians of foot dragging as their government has announced they will not answer the proposals put forward by the U.S, Europeans, China and Russia until mid-August. Gee, you'd think the Iranians were just playing for time, wouldn't you? But, of course, that can't be happening, can it? They wouldn't be pretending to follow a diplomatic route just to give them enough time to develop a nuclear weapon, would they?

Until we face up to the fact that the Iranians are going to do whatever is necessary to achieve their goal, we are going to have a hard time reaching any kind of consensus on what to do about it. I still think that for the U.S., since there is very little sentiment for military action on the part of the public and their representatives, it may simply be a matter of time before we have to throw up our hands and figure out how to deal with a nuclear Iran.

Jeff Jacoby writes about the Philadelphia Cheese Steak vendor who is refusing to serve anybody who can't speak English, and is getting flack from local government for his statement.

Robert Samuelson says inflation fears are real.


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