
Friday, August 11, 2006

Apparently, the bomb plot for airliners over the Atlantic was planned for August 16. I have no idea if the date has any significance, but many believe it was intended to be "the next big one".

H.D.S. Greenway says the Brits are again wondering why some of their homegrown Pakistani Muslims are turning to radical Islam. He implies it has something to do with Britain's foreign policy. Gerard Baker disagrees.

The names of those arrested have been released. The remarkable similarity of the names (gee, they are all young Muslim men) has some asking again why it is that we do not profile the people who try to get on airliners.

Newt Gingrich responds to Richard Holbrooke. The key difference between the thinking of people like Holbrooke and people like Gingrich is that Gingrich believes (as I do) that the enemies we face cannot be negotiated with or appeased because they REALLY BELIEVE IN their fanatical ideology and if they get a hold of nuclear weapons THEY WILL USE THEM, no matter how many people (themselves included) die as a result.


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