
Monday, August 07, 2006

Byron York says John Conyers has a plan to impeach the President. I say, "bring it on". Nothing would be more effective at dividing and weakening the Democratic Party going into the 2008 election.

Is the West too civil to win a war? I think it may be the case, but it may also be that our government has, so far, been unwilling to impose the censorship and institute the propaganda necessary to keep up morale in the long and brutal fight that will be necessary to defeat the Islamofascists.

Is Joe Lieberman a dead man running? If so, he may not be the only one. Check out this article about some focus groups that are being run by American Research Group which ask New Hampshire voters what they think about Hillary Clinton.

Martin Peretz thinks the downfall of Joe Lieberman is a very bad sign for the Democratic Party, as it marks a return of the "peace wing".

...the contest in Connecticut tomorrow is about two views of the world. Mr. Lamont's view is that there are very few antagonists whom we cannot mollify or conciliate. Let's call this process by its correct name: appeasement. The Greenwich entrepreneur might call it "incentivization." Mr. Lieberman's view is that there are actually enemies who, intoxicated by millennial delusions, are not open to rational and reciprocal arbitration. Why should they be? After all, they inhabit a universe of inevitability, rather like Nazis and communists, but with a religious overgloss. Such armed doctrines, in Mr. Lieberman's view, need to be confronted and overwhelmed.

Read the whole thing.


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