
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Anne Applebaum is sick of apologies, and so am I. Thomas Sowell is sick of suicidal handwringing, and so am I. Mackubin Thomas Owens is sick of defeatism, and so am I. I am sick of hearing about lawyers who argue that lethal injections cause pain to scumbag murderers. I am sick of Americans who are not willing to do a damn thing to get us off our oil addiction.

I am sick this morning, and I think I am not alone. Are the President's poll numbers starting to creep up again just because the price of gas is going down? Democrats like to think so, but I think it is something else. I think Americans saw the bomb plot get busted up in Great Britain, and remembered that the same types of men who brought death to us on 9/11 are still out there. I think Americans are seeing the governing elites of this country arguing about whether or not to treat terrorist cutthroats by the rules of the Geneva Convention and are wondering if the people in charge have gone stark raving bonkers. I think Americans are seeing the violence in Iraq and the threats from Iran and asking themselves if it really would be wise to just walk away and pretend nothing happened. Finally, I think Americans, on the anniversary of 9/11, remembered what did happen. They remember that the terrorists attacked us first. Conveniently, every once and a while, just when we might begin to forget, the radicals across the Muslim world rise up and utter threats of violence, engage in riots, or shoot a Catholic nun or stab a Dutch filmmaker. We may not like the way things have gone in Iraq, but once again, just as another election looms, many Americans are starting to ponder the realities of the world we live in and the alternatives we face. Which party is more likely to do the brutal things necessary to defeat these fanatic barbarians? In the end, in 2002 and 2004, enough voters thought the answer was spelled G-O-P. Could it happen again?


At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would hope the American publics antenna has been extended and they are tuned in to the impending reality that we are at WAR. It is easy in our culture to become distracted and apathetic about world events, this is an asset in some regards. None the less, we are at another crossroads in history. The President has done his best to dissuade the masses that we are not at war with a religion, the enemy however has not been deterred. If we cannot publicly state the facts that are evident then I fear we are doomed to fail in this current conflict. I can only hope that our leader(s) in the upper echelons of power have mapped out a winning course of action.


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