
Saturday, September 02, 2006


I will be filling-in for Lovell Dyett on WBZ-AM in Boston tonight from 9 PM to Midnight. Among the topics I am considering for discussion:

Do you favor or oppose the new mandatory health insurance law in Massachusetts? Do you think it will work? A board recently set the rates for low-income people who will be required to buy the insurance.

Are you outraged by the new British-made film "Death of a President"? The NY Daily news is.

Is victory impossible in Iraq? A new report paints yet another pessimistic picture.

Should we use military force to prevent Iran from getting the bomb? It appears as if the Russians and Europeans are not keen on sanctions.

Should airport screeners use profiling, Israeli-style, to better screen passengers? Here is a description of how it works.

Other items of interest:

Rich Lowry says the Democrats are the party of defeat when it comes to the war in Iraq.

Derrick Jackson blasts U.S. automakers for continuing to make big gas guzzlers.

Is Mexico drawing closer to civil war? Opposition lawmakers took over their assembly building and prevented President Fox from making his state of the union speech.

Should the U.S. put the Guantanamo detainees on trial or release them? Here is a plea from the father of a Kuwaiti detainee for the government to do just that.


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