
Friday, September 22, 2006

The Senate Republicans have reached an agreement with the President on the rules regarding interrogation techniques to be used against our terrorist enemies. The deal should increase John McCain's stature as he mounts a run for President in 2008. Whether it will impede our ability to get information out of captured terrorists only time will tell.

The Army continues to labor under the strain of too many responsibilities for too few troops. Why the President continues to resist the obvious need for a larger military is beyond me.

The Iranians are going to get more time to consider halting uranium enrichment, as the U.S. government has given its approval to an extension of the already-passed August 31 deadline for halting enrichment. At some point everyone will realize that the U.S. and its allies do not have the stomach for a military resolution of the problem, and the Europeans will not go along with any significant sanctions, which will leave the Iranians free to move forward with the development of nuclear weapons. Only the Israelis will be left to ponder the option of striking the Iranians before they can achieve their goal.

In Iraq, there is some good news out of Anbar province. It seems the local tribes, all of whom are Sunni Arabs, have made an agreement with the Shia-led government to fight against the Al Qaeda elements in their province. This should lead to a significant degradation of the insurgency in that part of Iraq.

Gerard Baker opines about Europe's slow surrender to the forces of radical Islam.

Charles Krauthammer also has some thoughts on that issue.


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


1.0 Don't shoot until fired upon. This means if you die from inaction this is better than shooting the bad guys.

1.1 When you do return fire, don't aim to accurately, our weapons and systems are far superior and we don't want to
have the appearance of running up the score. Easy does it.

1.2 If an enemy is captured on the battle field, read him his Miranda rights and find the nearest attorney for his defense.
Don't handcuff the detainee or put any type of undergarment on his head, this may cause distress to the subject.

1.2(a) Contact the nearest French consulate and order a years supply of fine cuisine each detainee. Lemon chicken with
a nice cream sauce is popular. A dinner wine is not necessary, Mohammed forbids it.

1.3 You get the idea, play nice or else you will face a U.S. military tribunal and be railroaded to a prison term unfitting of your crimes.

Uncle Sam


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