
Monday, October 09, 2006


Here is the latest on the North Korean nuclear test. The test, which was announced by the North Koreans last night and is being verified by seismic readings from various quarters, is drawing lots of condemnations from nations around the world, and from the United Nations. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be much that anyone can do about it. It is hard to punish a country with sanctions when that country is already one of the poorest and most isolated countries on Earth. It is even more difficult to deal with North Korea militarily, as this article (about the possible consequences of a North Korean collapse) from Robert Kaplan points out.

Kaplan may be right in that these recent provocations (his article was written before the actual nuclear test, but he was aware of the missile tests and the threats of a nuclear test when he wrote the piece) are a manifestation of the weakness of the regime. This weakness may lead Kim Jong-il to do something rash, which could result in a devastating war. Even if he does not, the fact that he now definitely has nuclear weapons will surely force the Japanese and South Koreans to respond. The Japanese now have a more right-wing, pro-military Prime Minister who may feel it necessary to launch a significant arms build-up and initiate a nuclear program of their own. It all makes for an even more unstable and dangerous world.


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