
Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Neo-Cons strike back! Bill Kristol says it is the Democrats who are in denial, not the President.

Michael Barone looks at some poll numbers about the Iraq War. They are not as one-sided as you would think by simply following coverage in the MSM. The bottom line is that a majority of the American people do believe we are at war against the Islamofascists, therefore, they are divided and uncertain about how to deal with the conflict in Iraq. The Democrats have also not reached a point where they are trusted by a majority to aggressively fight the war. Six months ago I was pretty certain the Republicans would lose control of Congress. Now, I am not so certain.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This definition disturbs me.


The prefix neo- refers to two ways in which neoconservatism was new. First, many of the movement's founders, originally liberals, Democrats or from socialist backgrounds, were new to conservatism. Also, neoconservatism was a comparatively recent strain of conservative socio-political thought. It derived from a variety of intellectual roots in the decades following World War II, including literary criticism and the social sciences.


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