
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My new Congresswoman, Carol Shea-Porter, gets a big, sloppy, front-page kiss from the Boston Globe this morning. I expect, after a while, many voters in my district will become aware that they are represented by a Liberal Democrat, which might cause buyer's remorse in some quarters. Of course, I could be wrong. My district might actually have changed from a moderate-conservative district to a Liberal one over these last few years. Time (and a few elections) will tell.

Caroline Glick says we were right to topple Saddam's regime, and by doing so prevented him from developing nuclear weapons.

Ralph Peters says we won't be able to win in Iraq until we let our soldiers and Marines off their leashes and allow them to kill the enemy. Amen, brother.

Now they tell us! The New York Times says withdrawing from Iraq might not be as easy as it sounds.

Frederick W. Kagan explores the real-world problems that our military would face if it tried to put together an "over-the-horizon" presence to act as an emergency deployment force in Iraq, as has been suggested by some of the "cut and run" crowd.

Speaking of that crowd, consider the man running for Majority Leader in the House, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA). John Fund writes a devastating piece in the Wall Street Journal about Murtha's role in the Abscam scandals of the late 1970s. Ruth Marcus, writing in the Washington Post, says that Murtha is unfit to be Majority Leader. Having seen a portion of the FBI videotape last night on "NBC Nightly News", even though Murtha did not take the bribe, his behavior was definitely beneath any reasonable ethical standard for a public official. He should have been punished at the time, but was not. His on-going opposition to ethical reforms in the House would seem to me to be indicative of an attitude that has not changed over the last 26 years.


At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NH-01 may have flipped from a conservative district to a centerist one. Unfortunately, Carol Shea Porter is no centrist.

Carol's handling of the Majority Leader contest was an embarrasment. She was clearly in Murtha's camp, but clammed up when Murtha's ethical problems made the papers. So now we have the purported anti-politician playing the worst sort of secretive, craven political games.


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