
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Here is another column predicting the end of Europe as we know it.

Amir Taheri says the Arabs are beginning to make preparations for an eventual war with Iran.

Could the fight for Haifa Street in Baghdad be a preview of what we will see with the U.S. troop "surge"? I hope so. If the Maliki government will cooperate in an effort to restore the monopoly of force that a government must have to govern, then the conditions can be created for political compromises and resolution of disputes. This is the only way to end the war in Iraq without a full-blown civil war.

The President's plan, which he will announce tonight, is an indication that he has finally decided to overrule his generals which, as any historian of war can tell you, is sometimes a good thing.

Hugo Chavez in Venezuela is taking his country back to 20th Century Socialism. His people will come to regret it, more so than the investors who stand to lose millions.

Robert J. Samuelson slams the Baby Boomers for their selfishness regarding Social Security and Medicare. Unfortunately, the state of denial that most Boomers live in regarding those issues will continue to drive politicians to make unwise choices, or fail to choose at all. Our children and grandchildren will pay a heavy price for our folly.

Of course, global warming might get us before a financial collapse does.


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