
Thursday, March 15, 2007

"Boston" lead singer Brad Delp's death a suicide, according to police officials here in New Hampshire.

Al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Muhammad confesses to a series of crimes and plots, according to transcripts of a hearing down at Guantanamo Bay.

Violence in Baghdad is on the decline, according to one Iraqi military official. Could the surge be working, or is it simply the case that the Shiite militias are laying low? I think it is probably a combination of the two.

Hillary says some troops will remain in Iraq, even if she is elected President. The anti-war crowd, already suspicious of her, won't like that in the least. But, then again, any attempt at being realistic is a non-starter with that bunch.

RealClearPolitics has the latest New Hampshire primary polls, with Clinton leading for the Democrats and Giuliani leading most of the Republican polls. In 2000, George W. Bush was leading the early NH polls, but was stomped by McCain. Anything can happen and, until I see evidence to the contrary, I am sticking with my first instinct, which is that Obama is going to upset Hillary in NH as idealistic independents storm the Democratic primary and whoever is deemed the more Conservative choice will then win the GOP primary. Who that might be is, as yet, unclear, but it won't be Giuliani.

George Will examines the mess we are making of the primary process with so many states pushing up their primaries and, thus, shortening the process.

Gerard Baker, writing in the Weekly Standard, sees in Europe a continent that is politically adrift.


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