
Friday, April 20, 2007

A psychiatrist tells ABC News that the release of the Cho video by NBC News is "a social catastrophe". He is correct.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) say the Iraq War "is lost". He is incorrect (but his view probably reflects a majority opinion in Washington, and the country at large).

Byron York says the Attorney General had a bad day before the Senate yesterday. He is correct (and the performance, based on what I have read about it so far, may be the straw that breaks the camel's back, as far as his continued tenure is concerned).

E.J. Dionne says we need more "pragmatic" gun control laws. He is incorrect. James Q. Wilson explains why.

Ultra-nationalist fervor hits Europe.

Baby boomers less healthy than prior generations.

Governor Lynch will sign civil union bill here in New Hampshire.

According to The Nation, impeachment fever is on the rise at the Democratic grass roots. In the words of Inspector "Dirty Harry" Callahan, "Go ahead. Make my day".


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