
Monday, July 02, 2007

In the U.K., the hunt intensifies for other members of the car bomb plot. Fortunately, it appears that they lacked the expertise necessary to succeed.

The Boston Globe sees fit to make a front-page story about New Hampshire's transition from a red state to a blue state. This is something that has been happening gradually over the last fifteen years (which is how long I have been observing the process up close). The tipping point was reached last November. Local Republicans are fooling themselves if they believe they can get it back anytime soon (unless the Democrats are dumb enough to try and pass, or campaign for, a state-wide income or sales tax).

The New York Times sees fit to make a front-page story about the lobbying efforts by Fred Thompson's sons. Do you think they'll put Hugh Rodham's business dealings on their front-page anytime soon?

Here is a true minority point of view as we head into the Fourth of July holiday.

Mark Steyn is still exasperated by the response of Western elites regarding Islamists and their threats.

One former Army officer wishes we had leaders who measured up to our soldiers and their care-givers. Unfortunately, it seems that our system is only capable of delivering us those kinds of leaders by accident. I hope we are fortunate to have such an accident in November of 2008, but I am not optimistic.


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