
Monday, July 23, 2007

This story, about the website that aids soldiers in their efforts to cheat on Army exams, paints a picture of a soldier who, in my view, should be thrown out of the Army.

Japan is flexing its military muscles, with the approval and aid of the United States.

Brazil's air traffic control system and general aviation infrastructure appear to be deteriorating, leading to all sorts of problems.

Ralph Peters writes this tribute to John McCain.

Check out this video of a recent tribute by the French to the brave Americans who helped to liberate their land from Nazi tyranny in 1944. Perhaps now that Jacques Chirac has left the scene we can get back to the fundamental truths about our relationship, which are that the U.S. and France have longstanding bonds of friendship (without French help, our independence would not have been assured back in 1781), are both modern, Western-style democracies, and have shared security interests in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.

Good news from the battlefields of Iraq. Al Qaeda has succeeded in alienating many of their Sunni supporters. This is probably the main reason why we are seeing operations work more effectively in places like Anbar province.

According to the Weekly Standard, the 9/11 Generation is better than the Boomers. As a tail-end Boomer, I think Boomers get a bad rap. Many of my generation did stand up and serve during the Vietnam War (including my older brother who, in the Army's infinite wisdom and to his relief, decided he would serve their needs better in Germany than in Vietnam). Some (like my brother) were drafted and served honorably, others volunteered. I suspect that the majority of the Boomers were not engaged in anti-social activity, or protesting against America, but rather getting on with their lives like all the preceding and subsequent generations did and are doing. Just as the hippies were a slice of a generation, so too are the current members of our all-volunteer military. Generalizations tend to be inaccurate, which is why it is better to speak specifically about individuals, rather than groups.


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