
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bob Novak warns that Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel of New York has a plan to "tax the rich". Of course, many of you who don't think of yourselves as "rich" will, in all likelihood, fall into that category.

Gazans get a taste of what life is like under a fundamentalist Islamic regime.

As I discovered while taking calls on WBZ a week ago Monday morning, the general public doesn't think General Petraeus is being straight with us concerning the Iraq War. But, of course, as the commander of troops fighting a war, there are perfectly good reasons for him to emphasize the positive and minimize the negative. Like, he's trying to win. Of course, the MoveOn folks don't care about that, they are close-minded to any narrative other than their own. Perhaps that's because they want us to lose. Richard Cohen, who is certainly no conservative, slams Hillary Clinton for her pandering to the MoveOn people.

Michael Totten reports on the improving situation in Anbar Province.

The Iraqi government is trying to pull the operator's license of Blackwater, a private security company that is providing security for, among others, the U.S. State Department in Iraq.

French officials are trying to tone down the war talk concerning Iran and it's nuclear program.


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