
Friday, December 14, 2007

I've been saying it for more than a year now, Obama is the man to watch in the New Hampshire primary. Now, Howard Fineman of Newsweek has this analysis of the Presidential race...

Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is teetering on the brink, no matter what the meaningless national horse race numbers say. The notion that she has a post-Iowa “firewall” in New Hampshire is a fantasy, and she is in danger of losing all four early contests, including Nevada and South Carolina – probably to Sen. Barack Obama, who is now, in momentum terms, the Democratic front runner.

Fineman says this about Obama...

National polls still give Hillary a double-digit lead. Those polls mean nothing. What matters now is not the number but the direction, and Obama is movin’ on up at a rapid pace. Little pieces of evidence matter. In Manchester, N.H., the other day, Democratic Gov. John Lynch showed up at the Obama-Oprah rally, ostensibly to introduce Oprah, but, really to cover his bets politically. The newest polls in the state show why: Obama is tied with Hillary, and people are literally exchanging her lawn signs for his. If he can win Iowa – and it remains a big if – Hillary’s campaign could collapse. New Hampshire would almost surely go his way. The Culinary Workers in Nevada might well endorse him, as could influential South Carolina Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn. Black Democrats have complained for years that Iowa and New Hampshire are “too white.” But the irony is, South Carolina African-Americans I talked to last weekend want to see if Obama can win white votes before they commit to him. There is no better way of doing that than in Iowa and New Hampshire. And don’t forget something else: he has 150,000 online contributors. He can raise cash fast.

If Obama wins in Iowa, or finishes a close second, the momentum will drive left-leaning Independents here in New Hampshire into the Democratic primary and give him the win. If, as Fineman predicts, that leads South Carolina African-Americans to feel assured that Obama can win white votes, they may storm the polls for him there. Things look pretty bleak for Hillary at the moment, with not a lot of time to make things right.


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