
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another night, another pair of Obama victories. As expected, Obama won the Hawaii caucuses handily, 76% to 24%, but the real eye-opener was his smashing victory in the Wisconsin primary. Obama won the contest 58% to 41%. This in a state with demographics that seemed to match Hillary's strengths, and a state where the Clinton campaign advertised heavily. Jay Cost analyzes the results in detail, but even a brief perusal of the exit polls tells the tale. Obama has the momentum, as he is now beating Hillary among those voters she was winning in prior contests. Obama actually split females with Hillary 50-50, and won the male vote overwhelmingly, 67% to 31%. Obama won every age group except the over-60 crowd, every church-going group except Catholics who attend church weekly, and he won people who do not have a college degree, as well as those who have one. This is grim news for Hillary.

Larry Kudlow thinks the Wisconsin results mean that the race is over. I agree. Hillary's only hope was to keep this one close. Despite what the most recent polls say, I expect now that there is nothing to stop Obama from winning most of the remaining contests. Hillary might pull out Ohio, but I doubt it. It's over. (John Derbyshire doesn't think so, but his prediction for the Democratic nomination is, to say the least, a little bizarre in my estimation).

Still, one can hope that buyer's remorse might set in. Robert Samuelson takes a swipe at Obama's meaningless rhetoric. I hope this is just the first in a series of columns and blogs and other commentaries that will lay bare the pedestrian, McGovernite views of Senator Obama which, combined with his lack of experience, is John McCain's only chance of winning in November.


At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama + Bush =


Mabus in the middle :-0


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