
Friday, April 04, 2008

A new poll says 81% of Americans believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Typically, when a majority believe we are on the wrong track the party in power loses, big time. Still, the government in Washington is now divided, so perhaps it won't be so bad for the GOP (he wrote, whistling as he passed the graveyard).

Perhaps the Mugabe era is not over yet in Zimbabwe.

Juan Williams compares Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama does not look so good in the comparison.

Bob Shrum believes Hillary should stay in the race.

In Pennsylvania, the latest polls seem to indicate that Obama is recovering from the Wright fiasco, although I suspect the narrowing of the race has more to do with Hillary's self-inflicted wounds than on any surge by Obama.

Are Israel's enemies girding for war?


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