
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ann Althouse saw the new Clint Eastwood film, Gran Torino, and gives it a thumbs up.

The Mayor of Baltimore is indicted on perjury and theft charges. (Mayor Sheila Dixon is a tough-minded, hard-charging African-American woman, and I wonder if she was the basis for a character on The Wire...City Council President Nerese Campbell).

Another big city newspaper is on the auction block, and might close it's doors. The business model for newspapers simply does not work anymore and I don't see how this trend will be reversed.

Governor Rod Blagojevich is impeached by the Illinois House. Now he faces trial in the Illinois Senate. If two-thirds vote to convict, he will be removed from office.

President Bush is prepared to request the rest of the TARP money from Congress, despite opposition in that body, and is willing to veto any Congressional denial of the funds, which would force Congress to make a two-thirds vote to prevent the money from flowing. Bush is apparently doing so at the request of President-elect Obama, as they do not want to make the request themselves and face the possibility of such a veto. I find it interesting that Bush is willing to give Obama cover on this one.


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