
Monday, March 09, 2009

As I watch the snow fall outside my window, I am given cause to ask the same question asked by Jeff Jacoby in his most recent column, "where's global warming"? A group of global warming skeptics are gathering to talk about it. They will certainly be ridiculed by the smart people in the media.

New England continues to lead the nation in becoming more and more secular.

Shoot down our satellite, and it's war, say the North Koreans. Just another in a very long line of bellicose statements issued by the world's most repressive, and inscrutable, government.

President Obama is "overwhelmed", which might explain the diplomatic snubs felt by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on his recent visit, or it might be that Obama really doesn't care much for the "special relationship".

Still, there is reason for him to be overwhelmed (and it's not just that he is simply not experienced at running anything, except a political campaign). He is facing a global recession, the biggest since WWII, according to the World Bank.

Paul Krugman believes Obama doesn't understand the depth of the problem, which is why he hasn't responded with a stimulus of the proper scale.

Robert Samuelson believes Obama is just another lying politician (although those are my words, not his), because his budget contains the same kind of obfuscation that all Presidents have used at least since JFK.

The arbiters of elite opinion got Obama wrong, according to this piece, when they asserted he was some kind of moderate.


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