
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Best article of the day, so far? Caroline Glick of The Jerusalem Post writes about the "Obama Effect", which, according to her, is not something that causes people around the world to suddenly love the United States, or decide to throw off the yoke of their oppressors but, rather, it is actually a phenomenon that makes our mainstream media people into fawning sycophants, and the U.S. into the laughingstock of the world.

Amir Taheri analyzes the similarities and differences between the current unrest in Iran and the 1979 revolution that brought the current regime into power. Taheri believes that Persian/Iranian history teaches us that a civil war is unlikely, because once one side or the other seems to be winning, the mass of people will switch to the winning side.

Has the President already scuttled any chance for health insurance reform by his own hand?

It is so depressing to read articles, like this one, that reminds us how susceptible so many of us are to personal degradation when we succumb to irrational ideologies.

The budget fight continues in Concord. I predict, as we have seen so often in the past, a combination of budget cuts and increases in some of the many narrow taxes that we use to fund government in this state.

Former New Hampshire Congressman Charlie Bass has this piece on the state of the GOP.

So, you think this has been a gloomy June? You are correct, Sir (and Ma'am). So far, it's been a historically cloudy month.


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