
Friday, August 21, 2009

Charlie Cook has some chilling news for Democrats. Essentially, the political climate is such that the Democrats may be looking at big losses in 2010. Why? First and foremost, the elderly are being scared out of their wits by the health insurance reform plans which are being hashed out in Congress. Even if the so-called 'death panels' are not really as sinister as the name implies, without a very clear idea of how to lower costs other than to reduce the level of care, it is easy to demagogue this issue. Add to this the fact that the President is stumbling around spending money like a drunken sailor, which is driving independents into the GOP camp, and the sickening level of media adoration that is also stoking conservative anger and independent disgust, you get a perfect political storm. The only thing that the Democrats and the President can hope for going forward is that there is still a lot of time before we get to the 2010 elections, and the economy can revive in that time, and they can retreat from health reform, or do something so inconsequential that it doesn't threaten grandma's Medicare, and so on. Of course, the opposite is also true, as some foreign policy debacle or domestic scandal could bite the President right in the behind.

Here is an example of why there is fear out there about the President's health reform plans.

Charles Krauthammer calls for some honest discussion about end-of-life issues. My guess is that we will not get such discussion, just as we will not get honest discussion about entitlement spending.

Michael Gerson also writes about the dilemmas facing anyone trying to reform our health care system.


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