
Thursday, November 05, 2009


Here are some links to articles about the election results...

Their poor performance in the suburbs is a very bad sign for Democrats. I agree.

The "Permanent Democratic Majority" seems to be unravelling. I never believed in the 'permanent' majority, anyway. Of course, I never believed it when Republicans were touting their own version of that story. There are no 'permanent' political majorities in American politics. There have been some long lasting trends, like the Democratic Congressional majorities during the FDR/New Deal era (which lasted roughly from 1932 to 1994), but these trends are never 'permanent', because the religious/ethnic composition of our population changes, the great, defining issues change, and the parties themselves change.

Peter Wehner says Democrats have reason to be afraid, to be very afraid. His analysis is detailed, and mirrors my own thinking on the subject.

Markos Moulitsas hangs his hat on the turnout aspect of the equation. He believes if his Progressive fellow travellers were more enthusiastic about Obama and the Democrats, they would turn out and work harder for them. There is some truth in this, but I think he does not give proper weight to the shift in the Independent vote.

Castellanos celebrates the GOP resurgence while Teixeira tells Democrats not to worry.

David Broder, on the other hand, thinks Democrats should worry.


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