
Monday, January 18, 2010

The latest polls from Massachusetts show Brown in the lead, and the trend over the last few days shows a lot of momentum for the Republican State Senator. Still, no one knows how things will go as no one can predict who will show up for the special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat left vacant with the passing of Ted Kennedy.

This column from Mike Barnicle, who has been following politics in the Bay State for decades, reveals why Brown is doing so well and has a few tidbits that should chill Coakley and her supporters.

Could Coakley be the Democratic canary in the coal mine?

Michael Barone believes that if a U.S. Senate seat isn't safe for Democrats in Massachusetts, then not one of the Democrats' seats across the country is safe.

If the Democrats pull out a victory in Massachusetts and a victory on the health reform bill, it could be a Pyrrhic one.


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