
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Andrew C. McCarthy explains why the so-called 'Al Qaeda 7" matter. If you have not heard, he is referring to the ad campaign being run by Liz Cheney, Bill Kristol and others about the seven unnamed lawyers now working in the Justice Department who did pro bono defense work for Al Qaeda terrorists now locked up in Gitmo. They are demanding that the AG reveal their names. My view is this...I understand the long tradition of lawyers representing people the rest of us loathe, it is a cornerstone of our system (Ken Starr brought up the name of John Adams, who represented the British soldiers who perpetrated the "Boston Massacre"). But I think the more appropriate analogy is made by McCarthy when he refers to "Mob Lawyers". These are lawyers who make a living representing mobsters. My guess is that most of them do it for the money. I would like to know why these Justice Department lawyers chose to represent terrorists. Glenn Reynolds asks if there would be more of an uproar if they were seven lawyers who had done pro bono work for white supremacists. I'm certain there would be more outrage from the Left if that were the case.

Watching the election unfold in Iraq, Jeff Jacoby believes we are closer than ever to saying, with conviction, "Mission Accomplished."

Michael Goodwin says the American people are no longer buying what President Obama is selling.

Michael Gerson wonders what happened to the middle path on health care reform.


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