
Friday, March 26, 2010

Daniel Foster has some thoughts on the potential for dropping poll numbers concerning Obamacare by looking at how the popularity of the stimulus bill has dropped over time. The bottom line? If people feel like the solutions don't work, or make things worse, they'll react negatively. It's the economy, stupid.

The main reason I believe the poll numbers for Obamacare will drop is that, over time, people will discover more things in the new law they will not like very much.

Jonathan V. Last writes about Obama's poll numbers, and why they may be worse than we think, and why that is very bad news for other Democratic office holders seeking reelection.

Kevin O'Brien of the Cleveland Plain Dealer calls for repeal of the health care law. Congressman Paul Ryan is also calling for repeal.

Paul Krugman believes the right-wingers are crazy, and trying to take over the Republican Party.

Meanwhile, the Tea Party folks (who liberals like Krugman believe are racist lunatics) are at work in places like Utah, peacefully entering the political system at the lowest party level in order to influence the system. In the case of Utah, it is about whether or not Senator Robert Bennett should be nominated again by the GOP to be their candidate for Senate. If the Tea Party folks, working within the party, get the votes necessary to nominate another candidate...well...isn't that how the system is supposed to work? Why, yes it is.

Steve Forbes warns of a Venezuelan style media crackdown here in the United States.

Ralph Peters says U.S. diplomacy suffered one of its worst days in history the other day.

Charles Krauthammer says Obamacare, and the increasing cost of the other entitlement programs, will lead inevitably to the adoption of a European-style Value Added Tax (VAT) in order to pay for it all.


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