
Friday, July 09, 2010

Dick Morris believes President Obama is in a left-wing political death spiral. As he tries to bolster turnout for the Democratic base, he moves further to the left, which increases the alienation of independent voters. Morris says this is exactly what happened to President Clinton in the months leading up to the November, 1994 election.

Michael Gerson believes the Republican wave could push the GOP up onto rocky shores. He thinks a big victory in November will lead many in the party to conclude that their ideology is now being embraced by a majority of Americans. This, of course, is what happened after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, as Bill Clinton (advised by Morris and others) moved to the center and took the place of the reasonable man standing against the fanatics. Can Barack Obama do the same? I think not, precisely because Bill Clinton really was more of a centrist, while Obama is even more a leftist than he has so far let on.

Amity Shlaes believes Obama's left-wing economic views could lead him to the same mistakes FDR made in the 1930s. She has argued that Roosevelt did not get America out of the Great Depression. Quite the contrary, as she believes he prolonged it, only being saved the by the military build-up required by our entry into the Second World War.


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