
Friday, August 06, 2010

Could the little brown bat, so common in the night skies of New England, be on its way to extinction?

The trustees of Medicare and Social Security have issued their annual report, which shows Social Security in the red, but Medicare in a slightly improved financial position than last year. The main thing to note while reading the story about the report from The New York Times is the fact that liberal groups are mobilizing to defend these programs against any effort to reform them. Unless our economy begins to grow at a tremendous pace, these efforts, I believe, will be politically effective enough to prevent reform, which will mean massive tax increases or cuts in other programs (defense will take a big hit, I think), or both.

Paul Krugman believes GOP Congressman Paul Ryan is a flimflam man. I have been reading Krugman's columns for some time now (after avoiding them for years) and, after some reflection, I can only conclude that he is a close-minded man.

The recent vote in Missouri which, among other things, gave a resounding "no" to a health insurance mandate, is one of many signs that point to a big GOP win in November.

Karl Rove believes that win will extend to statehouses across the land, with some serious political implications for redistricting.

Peggy Noonan believes the American people are at the boiling point.

Michael Gerson thinks the Democrats are not helping themselves by their recent words and actions.

Could the GOP actually win a congressional seat in Massachusetts? This Cambodian immigrant might be the man to do it.


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