
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An analysis of the Republican primary for U.S. Senate here in New Hampshire.

An analysis of President Obama's poll numbers, specifically his re-elect number, which is way down. The good news for the President is that his bad numbers are similar to President Clinton's bad numbers in July of 1994. Those numbers presaged a stunning defeat for Democrats that Fall, but Clinton had time to recover and win in 1996. That happened, of course, because the economy began to boom. That is exactly what Obama must have to ensure his re-election in 2012.

Michael Tomasky believes the President and the Democrats are losing the war of public perception. Like so many of the liberal elite, he believes his side is correct on the facts, but losing on perception, as all the ignorant rubes who make up the majority of the American electorate don't know what is good for them.

Mark Halperin says the reality of a coming debacle is beginning to sink in for the inside-the-beltway Democrats.


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