
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Wisconsin is the birthplace of the modern Progressive movement. The people of Wisconsin recently elected a Republican governor and state legislature. These newly elected Republicans are going after the public employee unions, and at least one Progressive thinks they are right to do it.

More instability in Pakistan as the governor of the Punjab is assassinated by one of his own guards.

Birthright citizenship is under assault by those who are worried about illegal immigration. Count me as being in favor of encouraging more American babies, as they will grow up to be productive American workers and courageous American soldiers, whether their last name is Smith, Santelli or Sanchez.

Speaking of courage, it seems to be in short supply from Yale to the NFL.

The fornication lamp is lit.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has some dire economic predictions for 2011. I am not an economist, of course (although once I earn my Master's Degree I guess I will be able to call myself a political scientist), but I keep thinking about the parallels between the Great Depression and our current era. Two years after the Crash of '29 it appeared as if there was some light at the end of the tunnel, but by the end of '32 the wheels were coming off (which was the main reason why Roosevelt and the Democrats has such a smashing victory in November of '32).

Harold Meyerson, writing as always from his Liberal position, sees an America in economic decline because U.S. corporations invest more in workers overseas than here at home.

Ruth Marcus believes Democrats will rue the day that they change the filibuster rules in the Senate. I believe she is correct.


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