
Saturday, April 29, 2006

The IAEA is calling out Iran for its lack of cooperation concerning its nuclear program. Will it lead to real sanctions? Not if the Russians and Chinese have anything to say about it, and they do.

Of course, if you listen to the State Department, "Iran is not Iraq". Bill Kristol is very unhappy about that phrase.

Of course, Iraq isn't Vietnam, or is it?

In the end, because the President didn't follow through on his Bush Doctrine rhetoric to its logical conclusion of unlimited war against terrorist sponsoring regimes, because he chose to try and keep this war a limited one, then just as in Korea and Vietnam the public, led by its political, academic and media elites, lost the heart to prosecute the war. We have never won a long, tough, limited war in the modern era. I hope we will break that pattern with Iraq, but I am not optimistic.


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