
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

While the Iranian Supreme Leader is telling foreign leaders his country is willing to share nuclear technology, the Russians are helping the Israelis monitor Iran's nuclear activity.

The "We Know What's Best For You" crowd exposed.

Could Iran be the unhappy ending to the story of the boy who cried wolf?

Max Boot exposes the anti-American media, who seem bent on winning Pulitzers while bashing our leaders and endangering national security.

Michael Goodwin says the latest lackluster effort by the President to respond to rising gas prices is just another example of a President who seems resigned to defeat.

John Dickerson says the GOP is screwed (when it comes to the November elections).

Here is why an episode of South Park tells us that the Danish cartoon wars are over, and we lost.
The common thread in all of these items? Each represents a little piece of evidence to indicate that we in the West will lose to the fanatics in the end. The fanatics are supremely confident that we will not have the courage to stop their nuclear ambitions. They need only watch as we continue our internal squabbling, with the political opposition and the media actively working to defeat our wartime leaders, up to the point of rewarding behavior which weakens us. The President bears much of the blame, in my view, and he is, perhaps, beginning to realize that he has blown it. His party is about to go down in flames and, even if they do not, they are so weakened as to be ineffective. Public opinion is now firmly anti-Bush and anti-war, such that folks inside the military and intelligence communities feel comfortable in actively undercutting our war effort, and the media acts as their most ardent cheerleaders. The cartoon war fiasco shows how so many are now running to cut deals with the fanatics ("Just tell us what we can't see so that we won't offend you").

I am sickened by the defeatism and lack of resolution. I am sickened by a public and media that refuse to see the threat, and a broader Western public so addicted to their social welfare states that they are now almost to the point of being properly fattened for the slaughter. Will we wake up in time? If so, I'd like to see the evidence for it and not just rely on the hope that the same will that drove America to use all its power to crush the Nazis and the Japanese militarists is lying dormant in the heart of today's Americans, just waiting for trumpet call.


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