
Friday, October 13, 2006

One writer calls the proliferation of nuclear weapons a "countdown to apocalypse". Gerard Baker calls it "the price of shillyshallying". While there is still some doubt about whether or not the North Koreans actually exploded a nuclear weapon, there is little debate over the fact that the entrance of North Korea to the nuclear club changes the dynamics of security policy in the region and increases the danger of nuclear weapons being used. The South Koreans and Japanese are already beginning to shift their attitudes, which will lead to shifts in policy. The Chinese lost face. It is hard to predict what they might do to make that right. In Iran, the mullahs have, no doubt, had their policy of nuclear intransigence re-affirmed by the impotence of the world's response to North Korea's provocation. It all adds up to an even more dangerous world.

The Washington Post editorializes about Senator Harry Reid's suspect land deal.

The GOP is re-directing funds as hopes fade of winning certain seats, and fears increase of losing others. Now some operatives are conceding that the Republicans could lose anywhere from 12 to 30 seats. It is really beginning to look like we will have to get used to saying "Speaker Pelosi".


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