
Saturday, October 14, 2006


Fred Barnes thinks it is going to happen. Ralph Peters thinks it ought to happen. Robert Kuttner wonders if it will really be good for the Democrats if it does happen. The polls seem to confirm it. The Republicans are going to lose control of the House, and might even lose the Senate.

What, as a practical matter, will it mean? First, you can forget about President Bush getting any more Supreme Court nominees appointed. Even if the GOP manages to retain control, it will only be by one or two seats. That will not be enough. Second, you can expect that the Administration will spend the majority of its last two years in office fighting off the numerous investigations that zealous House Democrats will instigate over all sorts of matters large and small, justifiable or not. Third, the Democrats will pass a slew of bills that the President will veto, so do not expect much progress on the legislative front. Finally, without the support of Congress, the President will be under a great deal of pressure to withdraw from Iraq, and refrain from any aggressive action against Iran or North Korea.

Gridlock. Division. Weakness. Our enemies must be salivating at the thought of an America divided and in retreat. I wonder if George W. Bush realizes that he has only himself to blame.


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't get out of bed to vote or actually pulls the lever for the appeasement party will have only themselves to blame. Bush's speeches have always been uninspiring but when read on paper they are quite good. In this way, the president does deserve some criticism. However, the finger will ultimately point back at us if the American people cannot find the resolve to carry the fight forward. Time is not our friend in these matters.


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