
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Congressman Rangel explains why he wants to resume the military draft. I have to say I agree with the concept of shared risk and sacrifice. But, as a veteran of the all-volunteer force, I think we get a consistently higher quality force when it is populated by people who all chose to be there.

Tony Blankley warns against making the last mistake in Iraq.

Robert D. Kaplan thinks that our failure in Iraq (if it turns out to be a failure) will help to re-establish reasonable limits on American interventionism around the world.

The assassination of Lebanese cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel is seen in some quarters as being the work of the Syrians. But read the comments after this article by Simon Tisdall in the Guardian. It seems there are lots of people who would rather believe it is the work of the Mossad and the CIA.

The Neo-Cons continue to offer up their views about how best to deal with Syria and Iran.

Finally, for a good chuckle, read this piece by Rick Moranis in the New York Times.


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